Community-Archive Jekyll Theme

Community-Archive Jekyll Theme

Create your site's configuration file

The `_config.yml` file in your new community archive site sets a bunch of display information automatically, from your site's title to your font and color choices.

This form will generate and save a `_config.yml` file for you that you can upload to your new GitHub site.

About Your New Site

Required. A 3-4 word title for your project.

Optional. A subtitle that your main title more clear.

Recommended. Your github username, a forward slash (/) and your repository name

Recommended. A community name, or your name, depending on who the main site author will be

Recommended. A longer description (max 150 words) that helps search engines find your project.

Required. A 4-digit year, so the copyright reflects the date you started your project.

Optional. A Google Analytics G4 tag will help you see how many people visit your site.

Styling Your New Site

Required. Choose from our preset font options. View those options here

Required. Choose from our preset color options. View those options here

Linking to Social Media

Optional. Your Twitter username

Optional. Your Facebook username

Optional. Your Instagram username

Optional. Your Github username

Optional. An email, if you want site visitors to contact you.

Optional. An external website if you'd like to direct visitors to a second site.

Kalani Craig,2022 - 2023. Community-Archive Jekyll Theme by Kalani Craig is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Framework: Foundation 6.